2022 is our first full year we have had our collaboration spaces up and running, including Sky Artworks and Passable, and we have been very excited to see the impact we have already had on the community development in these spaces, in terms of creativity and collaboration. Sky Artworks has a more traditional gallery and studio feel, which better matches the needs and interests of the local creative community. That said, like any maker space it houses a laser cutter, a 3D printer, and CNC router, in addition to large format printers. Our members have been excited to learn and share their work — it is remarkable the spontaneity that happens when the creative space is married to the exhibition space.

Passable, in the context of Capitol Hill, Seattle, is much more experimental in flavor, with a heavier emphasis on technologically-infused art and pinball, given the important of pinball to our partnering art group at Passable, Totally Legit. That said, it too has maker equipment, a wood shop, and an exhibition space that is most often opened up for the Capitol Hill Art Walk.